Template API Reference

class mpl_template.template.Template(margins=None, titleblock_content=None, titleblock_cols=None, titleblock_rows=None, scriptname=None, draft=True, dpi=300, **figkwargs)[source]

Class to construct a report figure template using matplotlib which includes a figure border, script path, and title block.

  • scriptname (str) – Path to the script or notebook that is creating the figure.

  • margins (tuple of int, optional (default = (4, 4, 4, 4)) – A length-4 tuple specifying the left, right, top, and bottom margins of on the page, respectively

  • titleblock_content (list of dicts, optional) –

    Title block elements where each element is itself a dictionary with a span keys that determines which rows and columns the each element will occupy in the titleblock. E.g.

    tbk = [
            'name': 'Title',
            #`text` must be a dict or a list of dicts
            'text': [
                    's': 'Figure Title',
                    'weight': 'bold',
                    's': 'Figure Subtitle',
                    'weight': 'light',
            #`image` must refer to dict with `path` key (required),
            # and optional keys `scale` and `expand` which default
            # to 1 and False, respectively.
            'image': {
                'path': 'img//logo.png',
                'scale': 1,
            #`span` must be a list of integers for the
            # gridspec columns that the titleblock element will
            # span in tenths of an inch. The following span
            # will give a titleblock element that is 0.8 inches tall
            # and 3.2 inches wide. It will be the top left element
            # of the block because its height and width begin at zero.
            'span': [0, 8, 0, 32],
        {   # specify keys for next tbk element

  • titleblock_cols (tuple of int, optional (default=(16, 16, 8))) – The specification (in tenths of an inch) of the rulers for each column in the title block.

  • titleblock_rows (tuple of int, optional (default=(8, 5, 3))) – The specification (in tenths of an inch) of the rulers for each rows in the title block.

  • draft (bool, optional (default=True)) – Toggles the inclusion of a draft watermark.

  • dpi (int, optional (default=300)) – Resolution of the final figure in dots per inch.

  • **figkwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to plt.figure


To produce an empty figure containing a border object, and 5 title block objects:

>>> from mpl_template import Template
>>> report_fig = Template(figsize=(8.5, 11), scriptname="path/to/script.py")
>>> fig = report_fig.blank()

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


insert_image API Reference

mpl_template.template.insert_image(ax, image_path, scale=1, dpi=300, expand=False, **kwargs)[source]

Centers an image within an axes object

  • ax (matplotlib.Axes) – the axes into which the image should be inserted.

  • image_path (str) – Path to an existing image file.

  • scale (float, optional) – The relative scale of the desired output. Values should be positive floats. E.g. scale = 2 will double the image’s size relative to the given matplotlib.Axes object. scale = 0.5 will scale the image to half of the given matplotlib.Axes object.

  • dpi (int, optonal (default=300)) – The Dots (pixel) Per Inch of the image.

  • expand (bool, optional (default=False)) – If true, the image will expand to fill the axes in which it is embedded. Use expand = True if the boundary of the enclosing axes is the desired crop boundary. Use expand = False if the image should be scaled in-place with it’s original aspect ratio. This option only affects images that have been zoomed (scale > 1).

  • kwargs (keyword arguments to pass to the figure.add_axes()) – constructor.



Return type



Use scale parameter to zoom image relative to axes boundary.


Images are inserted centered, scaled, and filling the parent axes object.

Zoomed out 2x with scale=0.5. Note that the enclosing axes is square, and that the inserted axes is a landscape rectangle that matches the shape of the source file.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from mpl_template import insert_image
>>> file = "img/polar_bar_demo.png"
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
>>> img_ax = insert_image(ax, file, scale=0.5)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Zoomed in 2x with scale=2. Note that the use of the expand kwarg causes the zoomed image to fill the enclosing square axes object.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from mpl_template import insert_image
>>> file = "img/polar_bar_demo.png"
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
>>> img_ax = insert_image(ax, file, scale=2, expand=True)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
